Image Library: Pop-Culture Transects

All images are available for free download for use in PowerPoint (low resolution) or print (high resolution), with credit as noted.

The Comic Transect
This Transect reflects the habitats of six well-known comic strips and comic book heroes. There is some debate whether Blondie is T3 or T4, but that would depend on local calibration.

Bill Eubanks, FASLA - urban edge studio

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The Paris Transect
This manifestation of the Transect seems merely satirical, but in fact it is useful in communicating the concept to students and lay participants in the public planning process. The language of dress is a cultural manifestaticon that most people know how to read. The clothing, such as it is, is modeled by Paris Hilton.

Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company

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The Pittsburgh Transect
The Brad Pitt Transect was created so men, too, would know how to dress appropriately for their Transect Zones.

Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company

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The Transect of Norman Rockwell
This sequence was selected from the paintings of Norman Rockwell, known for his small-town subject matter. Every good town has a local Transect.

Laura Hall / Hall Alminana Inc.

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Natural Transects

Rural-Urban Transects

Pop-Culture Transects

Transect Analysis Tools


Transects of American Cities

International Transects

Regional Transects and Sector Plans

Transect-Based Regulating Plans

Thoroughfare Transects